Working in Nature

Working in nature is an exciting new way of coaching and counselling. We only work outdoors if this feels appropriate, but this offers some valuable advantages:


Going for a walk in Nature helps you to relax – your levels of your stress hormones fall and your mind begins to quieten. You can think more clearly, creatively and start to gain fresh insights.

Things move

Whilst walking, your body moves. The body holds much of our tension and habitual ways of being. Moving your body helps to unstick things and you start to think differently.

A supportive environment

A conversation that takes place in the open, offers space for moments of silence and reflection, and nature has a calming and supportive effect.

Promotes new insights

Nature offers endless possibilities to work with metaphors and symbols, deepening your awareness and producing fresh, new insights.

You start to embody your future

Outside in Nature, you step outside the familiar and into a new environment; treading new paths and discovering new scenery. As you begin to envision your future, you literally start to embody it. The choices which you experience physically during the session will start to become real and lasting in your life.

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