Life Coaching

What is coaching?

Coaching is a process of growth and learning that is about maximising your potential, enhancing your self-awareness, opening up to possibilities, and increasing personal choice.

See also About for a general introduction to my approach and here for a description of the difference between coaching and counselling.

I build a partnership with you, focussed on moving you from where you are now to where you want to be. It is a relationship built on trust and a belief that you have the answers inside you; I do not advise you or tell you what to do (which would be what a Mentor would do). I will challenge you, expand your awareness and thinking so that you can find the right solution for you, as well as champion your success and support you on your journey. I help you to tap into your inner resources and build the confidence to take the next steps towards achieving more of what you want in your life.

How does my coaching work?

Everyone is unique; there is no one else who has the same combination of passions, skills, talents and experiences that you have.  So every coaching partnership is different and the number, frequency, timing and location* of sessions varies, depending on your needs. However, at the same time, as human beings we have a lot in common, and as a result of my many years of personal development and what I have found to be effective, I have developed my own coaching model called the:

The first 4 Is are do with the raw material we are working with – who you are – what you are good at, your values and interests as well as the current context of your life.

The second 4 Is determine how you channel your unique mix of talents and ideas into action in the World.


Implementation (results) = Inspiration + Intention – Interference

We go beyond simply setting goals. I help you tap into your sources of inspiration – what energises you? What really gets you out of bed in the morning? What are you feeling called to do? What do you perceive your ‘purpose’ to be (what you are here to do)?

Turning this into a powerful intention is about getting clear, not just on what it is that you want, but also your ‘why’. Why is creating your desired outcome important to you / others / the World?  I support you in generating a strong sense of purpose that will help you both to prioritise and to overcome any challenges or setbacks along the way.

At the heart of the 8Is model is the idea that the results we get (the implementation bit) are a result of the strength of our intention and the balance between our inspiration and our interference.

Most of us know what it feels like to feel inspired – to feel that we are being called to do something that is important and really matters to us. However, most of us are also experts at getting in our own way, putting ourselves down, talking ourselves out of things etc. This ‘interference’ usually stems from the chatter of our ‘Inner Critic’ as well as unconscious counter-intentions we hold that are keeping us stuck (eg we really want to spend more time with the family, but we are unconsciously driven by some expectation our father had about being highly successful in our career).



It is a flexible process and we may cover all or some of the 8Is, in a different order depending on what you are working on.

What you get

–       a guide to how to get the most from your coaching sessions

–       downloadable recordings of your sessions if you would like them (if we do sessions via Zoom)

–       tools and techniques to help you increase your self awareness, clarify your goals, develop action plans and more

–       50 minute or 1hr45 minute sessions according to your needs

*for details of where sessions can take place see contact us

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