
“I have very much enjoyed working with Richard as my coach over the past 12 months. He has supported me with my career development and shown great skill in applying different models and ways of thinking to our conversations, which have helped me look at things in a different way and gain a clearer perspective. Aside from that Richard is a really nice guy and very skilled at what he does. One of my favourite sessions with him was spent sitting in the sunshine up on the 5th floor roof garden we have at work and doing a powerful visualisation exercise. He is willing to adapt the style of his sessions to suit you and I always really appreciated and enjoyed that. Great guy and coach.

– Rosie, Training Designer, John. lewis

“I worked with Richard when I was transitioning in my career and this was impacting all areas of my life. Richard is a great listener who can carefully craft and deliver insight that you never realised were in the words you spoke. He brings solid experience, empathy and most importantly authenticity”

– Lea, Global Digital Marketing Manager, Quorn

“Richard was always highly supportive and non-judgemental, helping me to uncover, explore and find ways to overcome things which had been getting in my way for years”

– Simon Jones, Retail Branch Manager

“You really helped me to understand my options more clearly and to be more confident in expressing myself”

– Kirsty Townsend, IT Manager

“Richard took the time to allow me to speak and would never judge or assume – he’s a really good listener and would ask questions when appropriate or just say nothing and let me question it myself. From these sessions I feel like I’ve really boosted my confidence and no longer dwell on subjects. Overall I found the coaching sessions mixed with Richard’s approach to be really worthwhile.”

– Store Manager, Waitrose Convenience

“I found Richard being my coach as extremely valuable. He is not only a good listener but he quickly and astutely helped me to grasp the root of the problem. I felt like he really understood what issues I was having and always had a suitable exercise or tool to help me understand what was going on cognitively and behaviourally. The sessions were flexible and, although we had a clear goal and objective, every session would be built around specific needs or incidences that were causing me issues at the time. Coaching with Richard helped me tackle some really big issues that have been a problem my entire career – I feel that our sessions unlocked these and rebuilt my attitude towards them. I am now able to recognise the signs when I’m slipping back into old patterns of behaviour and thoughts – I now have tools, techniques and experiences to help myself to move forward with confidence and I am really thankful for his time and patience.”

– Business Development Manager, John Lewis

“You have been a great help in identifying the thought patterns and challenging me in my ways of thinking so I could find the right mind-set. The linkedin article is the result of this. I leave behind all bitterness, in the rear view mirror. So thank you.”

Huseyin, Maritech

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