My Services

Introduction to my services

Choosing the right Coach can be an important decision, so I’ve provided quite a lot of information on these pages about my approach, in order to help you decide if you might like to work with me. I hope you find my website useful, but of course there is no substitute for having a chat in real life in order to explore if we have a good rapport and that the way I work will support you. I provide a free initial consultation, as a ‘chemistry meeting’ to discuss what you hope to gain from coaching and I can answer any questions you may have. You may also want to take a look at some of the testimonials from people who have worked with me.

Are you asking yourself any of these questions?

  • Do you feel dissatisfied with some area of your life and want to make changes? (relationships, work, career or creative expression etc)
  • Do you want more clarity, direction and confidence to take the next steps?
  • Do you know what you want but would like some support developing strategies to help you achieve more success?
  • Are you looking to discover ways to be more happy and productive?
  • Do you want to find a way to do the work you love and love the work you do?
  • Are you experiencing some form of transition and are looking for direction or seeking to get yourself back on an even keel?
  • Do you doubt yourself or find yourself getting ‘stuck’ in some way?
  • Are you going through a difficult or particularly challenging time at the moment?
  • Are you just unsure what you need, but feel that something isn’t right and would like to explore options, possibilities and choices?

For over 20 years I have been helping individuals and groups with all these questions and more, enabling them to create positive and lasting change in their lives.

As we all know, it can be a challenging and sometimes confusing business – being human – and, whether they admit it or not, there are very few people alive that at some time or another have not needed help in some way. Friends are incredibly important, but the right balance of challenge, guidance and support from a trained Coach can really help you gain a new perspective, tap into your inner resources and provide strategies for living that your friends may not be able provide.

As a Life Coach I help you clarify what really is important to you – what you really want, not what you think you ‘should’ be doing, and help you navigate your way to achieving more than you may ever have believed was possible. A few coaching sessions can literally transform your thinking, discover fresh perspectives, realise your strengths and talents, explore choices, make changes and re-orientate your life!

“Life is something that happens when you are making other plans” – John Lennon

At the same time as starting to live life more ‘on purpose’ than by ‘accident’, life will inevitably throw curve balls at you.

As a Coach/Counsellor I help you through the more difficult times in life when we can feel disorientated, disempowered or demotivated. As a result of our time together you will find a new and perhaps unexpected sense of strength, balance and optimism.

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” ― Jon Kabat-Zinn

As both a Coach and a Counsellor my passion is helping people enjoy being human – to experience everything in life more fully – the joys and the sorrows, the challenges and the triumphs. In this process we develop an inner confidence, a stronger relationship with ourselves, and the wisdom to discern what is the right course for us to take at any given moment. For more on me and what I am like to work with click here.

It would be a privilege to work with you, but whether our paths cross or not I wish you a happy and fulfilled life.

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