Archive for December, 2016

Is your Life in Balance?

Monday, December 26th, 2016

When life is busy, or all your energy is focused on a special project, it’s all too easy to find yourself ‘off balance’ – not paying enough attention to important areas of your life. While you need to have drive and focus if you’re going to get things done, taking this too far can lead […]

Happiness is a way of travelling

Sunday, December 25th, 2016

We all have goals and desires in life. However if we are too focussed on where we would like to get to we constantly reject where we are NOW and live life in a state of dissatisfaction – always striving, never arriving. To live and more fully enjoy the present try 1) sensing into your body […]

Are your New Years resolutions NEW?

Saturday, December 24th, 2016

Why is that we start with such positive intentions but we so often don’t keep our New Year resolutions or achieve goals we genuinely really want? I’ve discovered that many people have an inner ‘immunity to change’ system that is designed to help us, but actually keeps us stuck.

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